Pests are just that, Pests


Pests are just that, Pests

No one should have to deal with pests. Don’t let pests take over your home and do something about it!

For pest control, you can trust our experienced Pest Control Technicians to do the job! At Village Exterminating , our focus is on inspection. We do our best to provide a safe, clean and green environment for our customers in residential and commercial properties. We are a family owned and operated, fully licensed and insured, full service pest control company located in South Texas. Not only do we specialize in termite control and other pest removal, but also in reports for lending institutions.Pset Control Services

shutterstock_283847399-300x225We’ll handle all kinds of pest management!
Our experienced pest control technicians handle any and all types of pest and rodent control. Our specialty is in the removal and extermination of termites, roaches, ants, flies, spiders, bedbugs, dust mites, bees, mice, rats, and other insects and rodents. We know people are very fond of their pets, but quite often our furry friends pick up fleas, ticks and other undesirable critters. We have the insect control services to help control the fleas and get rid of them before they come in contact with humans. We also offer additional pest management services such as bird control, nest removal, and humane animal trapping along with termite control. We are dedicated to helping our customers control their pest problems, and we can customize solutions if it is necessary. Our services can be performed on pre-set days every month. As for our field technicians, they are experts in providing solutions to pest management weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or seasonal. We’ll do whatever is best for your schedule!


There is nothing more terrifying than waking up to find a rat or mouse has set up residence in your home. Rodents are notorious as harbingers of disease. They also get into food creating a mess and making food inedible. Never fear, our Pest control can help you with your rat problem. We are rodent control experts and can rid your home of these unsavory creatures. No matter how bad your infestation is in Texas Village Exterminating has the expertise you need for rodent control.

If you’re located in Souther Texas take advantage of our services today! As pest exterminators, we have a knowledgeable, friendly telephone service staff who are ready to help you with your needs.

Village Exterminating LLC is located at close by, with all the offices we have. Give us a call

Products & Services

Exterminator services, pest control, inspection for residential and commercial properties, family owned and operated business, fully licensed and insured, full service, removal and control of termites, roaches, ants, flies, spiders, bedbugs, dust mites, bees, mice, rats, fleas, bird control, nest removal, and other various insects and rodents; humane animal trapping, customized solutions available, pre-set days every month for our services, solutions for pest management weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or seasonal

Blast from the past: Looking at yellow-page advertising for Plumbers


Blast from the past: Looking at yellow-page advertising from the past
Since I used to work for SBC-ATT Yellow Pages for many years, it makes me chuckle posting this

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft said, “…Yellow Page usage among people say, below fifty, will drop to zero—near zero—over the next five years.” That comment may be a bit optimistic but the truth is, the trend is down, down, down. The irony of this fact is: There is an entire industry built around yellow page sales and distribution… the payments on the Lexus must still be made.

Plumbing contractors can spend $30,000 a month for a litany of yellow page services like double page ads (double bubbles) in multiple directories. When you consider that a plumber operating from Palm Beach to Miami, Florida has to be in 9 different directories with one yellow page company, it is overwhelming. I nearly went broke once trying to throw money at the yellow page salesman. I asked my salesman “Should I go with a full page ad?” The salesman looked in his files and saw that he was 2 payments late on his Cessna and said “Son, you are going to have more business than you can handle.”

Plumbers advertising in YP

you just got ripped off
It’s dangerous out there in the jungle! Plumbers have been mauled by meat eating predators and they don’t want to venture off the beaten path. Since my days of chasing a carrot tied to my nose, I have witnessed many other firms that have made the same error. Remember, all Yellow Page salesmen carry a large sheath of statistics to prove that everything they say is true. Let’s look at some facts that I have personally learned and witnessed; namely,

· It costs about $20 to generate a call from the Yellow Pages. If you don’t answer the phones after hours or if your phone skills are marginal, this cost could be $50 or more. Remember that this is $20 per call, not $20 per job booked! Car dealers spend an average of $200 to get you to walk in the door and you might just kick the tires and leave!

· The display ad that generates the most calls for the expense is the size of a dollar bill… in fact, in yellow page jargon; this is called “a dollar bill.” This study was conducted by me from 1991 to 1997, with 9 directories with a separate phone number for every ad. We kept meticulous records. It is my contention that this is true everywhere. When you stack two dollar bill ads on top of each other you have what is generally a quarter-page. This ad might only pull a few more calls and it costs 80% more. A full page ad could cost $50/phone call… been there.

· Many people go to the yellow pages trying to find a plumber when they cannot remember the name… they are searching the book to find this person. That is why it is advisable to have some presence in the yellow pages.

· A few yellow page ads get more first calls than all the others of the same size. In a study of twenty dentist ads of equal size, one ad got 35% of the first calls and most received none. Point is, give some thought to your ad and do not leave it up to the yellow page salesman to “do it for you.” Read on, we will talk about this later.

· A small yellow page ad can generate a small profit if all the stars line up. I personally would not spend more than 1% of sales on yellow pages…some plumbers spend 20% and hence the title of this article “Death by Yellow Pages.”

· Yellow page salesmen seldom caution you about increasing their commissions with more and larger advertising. Sometimes their credit department will kick it back, but seldom.

· Most Yellow page directories will try to get you to renew your ad. But this is like taking the first price the car dealer quotes you. Most of the time when you say: “I am not going to advertise in the book this year”, you will get a better offer. Many times 3 days before the book goes to press you get a phone call offering half price! Been there!

· In 1976 there was a remodeling contractor that received 75% of his work from the Yellow page book in Fremont, California. The cost was less than 1%. Times have changed! Now there are multiple books by many different publishing companies and the internet has siphoned off a goodly amount of that business. Those were the good old days and that advertising scenario is now unattainable.


Many successful plumbers do not advertise in the Yellow Pages. It is becoming increasingly important to have a website with useful information… but it’s all for naught if you don’t answer the phone. Every time you fail to answer the phone or mess up the call, picture a $20 bill going down the toilet!

It is normal to want to get away from business after hours. Phone duty can be spread around to others but plumbing emergencies don’t follow a time schedule. I remember getting phone calls at two in the morning for customers trying to shut off the water to stop a massive leak. We dispatched a plumber and just short of arriving, the customer called to cancel because the neighbor had shut off the water. This happened more than once. We solved this by saying “It is double time and the time starts right now…would you give me your credit card information so I can get someone over there right away?”

Moderation in all things,The easy route is to become complacent and simply throw money at the problem. An entire industry of telemarketing has been built around questionable advertising like place mats, ball caps, pens and a host of other things. A few, like refrigerator magnets, are OK but that has reached the law of diminishing returns. If you now put every magnet you could on your refrigerator it would look like it contracted chicken pox.

A commonly overlooked method of marketing is simply writing letters to past customers or people that received quotes. The letter should be of compelling interest to the customer with a time dated offer. Read the book The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan S. Kennedy, because just like Yellow Page ads, some letters work and some don’t. I have consulted with plumbers on marketing concerns and arrived to find the office person reading a novel because things are slow…you get the point?

Let’s say you are going to advertise in the Yellow Pages…why not get the most bang for your buck? Why not produce the ad that receives the most first calls. Don’t reinvent the wheel, do it like this: Go to your library and go through yellow page books from across the United States and make photocopies of the 20 best ads you can find. Then go to 20 different people and ask which plumber you would call first. Take the ad that wins and modify it to be your own. Have someone other than the yellow pages do the typesetting and graphics. Your local small newspaper is usually your best bet for market oriented ads that are done quickly and attractively. Remember, you may spend $10,000 a year for a small yellow page presence…so don’t save a hundred bucks because yellow pages will create it for free. You want your ad to stand out to be personal. As an example of some yellow page verbiage that was a top vote getter; consider,yellow book


The reason you will call me back is you will enjoy the relationship, good ideas, good work and fair prices.

Now picture a man interacting with his 3 year old daughter and you start to get this warm fuzzy feeling. What’s that got to do with plumbing you say? Remember the customer is looking under the plumbing heading…could it not be assumed that everyone under this heading is some kind of plumber? Run your own test…take twenty ads and see which ones customers will call first, you will be surprised.

Small children interacting with adults are top vote producers. One of the best was a three year old girl in a sandbox, on her hands and knees looking up at the camera. In the sand was written, “Please call my grandpa.” I found in recreating this photo you have to put black powder in the sand created letters to make them stand out.

Advertising must have four characteristics to produce good results,

· Audience…Will your message must be seen or remembered during a time of need.

· Believability…Are they accepting what you say?

· Personable…Do they sense a friendly, human connection?

· Credibility…Do you prove that other people happily depend on you?

Even though they have the evidence to prove otherwise, Yellow page salesmen do not walk on water. Don’t be mesmerized. Remember, as service people all our marketing has but one goal and that is to get your customer to make a phone call to you! With a prepared mind you can control your destiny and win!

Are You Getting The Best Auto Insurance Rate


Are You Getting The Best Auto Insurance Rate In Your State?

People like to believe that they will get treated properly by their insurers. This may be the case, but you would not know until you check it out. Consumers should always remember one thing. There is a clash of interest whenever a company likes to offer the best deals. Any rate cut will result in loss of profits and this may stop them looking hard to provide keen insurance


This makes it necessary to look after your own interest by ensuring that all the discounts you deserve is applied to your premium. In most cases you can achieve this by knowing a little bit about the ways to cut rates. At the end, you may not need to move away from the current provider if they agree with the points you highlighted while asking for a discount.

However, you should not hold back to switch when you fail with your negotiations and there is a better rate on the table from another great carrier. What we mean by checking out? It requires getting several quotes, ideally at renewal period. There is nothing to lose. If you are already getting a good deal, it is great. If you can manage to bring the costs down, it is even better.

Every company has its strengths and areas they are good at. Like any other business, there are so many areas an insurer can be effective. Choosing their policyholders carefully so that they need to pay minimum amount of claims is one area. Investing the premiums collected efficiently is another. Setting up highly successful quote solutions and websites that enables customers to buy policies and submit claims is a new technology used to cut operating costs.

All those little adjustments can allow auto insurers to make enough money even though they offer competitive rates. So, question as much as you like, but understand that while one provider is demanding over the odds, even better one can come up with keen offers. Policyholders are the main asset of an insurance company. Attracting new ones is like new investments in their parts.

That is why they come up with appealing policies and run campaigns all the time. It is up to you to make the most of these by being on the watch out. For example, if you had a claim last year but otherwise a careful driver, most companies will still quote quite high premiums. All you need to do is to find that one insurer that sees past that claim. Take a longer perspective. When they look at a few years of history, they can see that this was one isolated incident. When they look at a few years further, they may notice that you are all profits from now on.

There are many factors affecting a premium offered. A negative view will highlight all the small imperfection in your life like not perfect credit score, a slightly higher engine power in your car, living in an inner city zip code. A positive view will show that you have a steady job, use subway to go to work and a homeowner with a settled address. The question is; what type of a company are you insured with? One that is looking for ways of pushing your rates up or the other that is doing everything they can to have a long relationship with you.

Sorry if we have not minced our words here. One reason for it is that collective customer reactions keep companies in check with their prices and services. When you are demanding as a consumer, you help others as well since you tell providers that they cannot get even with their excessive charges. As a final note we, at Car Insurance San Antonio are asking, would love you to save money on car insurance. Hope you will come back to see what we have written lately or get quotes on our platform.